
OPTSuccess is the social networking platform exclusively for international students in United States.

OPT Success a free social networking site for students to connect with other students from across United States.
  • Stay in touch with your colleagues

    Our platform allows you to connect with new people , employers and prospects through our exclusive OPT network. Make new friends , discuss trends, issues and do creative projects through our platform.

  • Get the latest news in your industry

    Corporate, universities, employers, news and jobs all at one place at your finger tip with OPTSuccess you do not need to look out for anything everything is within the network.

  • Share what’s up with you

    Whether you are out enjoying the treat or at the gym stay connected through our platform and update your status on the go OPTSuccess opens doors for networking.

Interact with other professionals

Connect with senior students to collaborate on projects you need assistance, display and show your creativity to employers and universities. At OPTSuccess it is very easy to interact and get along with other professionals.

Collaborate on a project

Create your projects and seek advice from other fellow colleagues to understand, edit and bring creativity to your talent. Bringing project together combined with different ideas makes a project more successful.

Mobile friendly platform for smartphones

Be in touch with your university friends on the go anywhere and everywhere, gossip and news on the go.

App Store

What our users say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue.

John Kevin Mara

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue.

John Kevin Mara

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Proin nibh augue.

John Kevin Mara

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